2nd Annual October Tucson Tea Party Rally
Lots of great speakers again this year. I taped most of them and their comments are embedded below. If you want to watch them in order of appearance go, Matthew Perdie, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Jon Justice, Ruth McClung, Jesse Kelly, Sheriff Paul Babeu, Senator John McCain, Tammy Bruce. Here they are out of order. Enjoy:
McCain, Brewer, Stump for Candidates in Tucson
Senator John McCain, Governor Jan Brewer, Superintendent for Public Instruction Tom Horne and State Senator John Huppenthal dropped by the Pima County GOP Headquarters yesterday morning and AgapeMedia.net was there to capture it for you. The full comments are embedded below. Here is a nice write up from James Kelly at TheChollaJumps.com
Arizona to Join Suit Against Federal Government
Earlier today the Associated Press reported:
Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard said Wednesday he won’t join lawsuits filed by other states’ attorneys general to challenge the federal health care overhaul, but Republican Gov. Jan Brewer plans to pursue a lawsuit even without Goddard’s involvement.
Tonight in Oro Valley we got news of how the Governor plans to do just that:
If Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano is right then Goddard has a point. At the same time, Arizona is still a red state and the Governor is following the wishes of the people, as well as her own convictions, no doubt.
It’s striking to me how the Democrats went ahead and passed Obamacare against a clear majority of the American people. Are they not concerned that now dozens of states are filling suit against the Federal Government?
As Al Melvin said in the video, America is still strong, but it is being pushed to the limit. This next election is another in a line of “most important elections” ever.
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Christian Business Networking

I have discovered a group of wonderful people who are dedicated to helping Christians build their business. And not just build their business, but build relationships with each other and Jesus. This morning was my second visit with Christian Business Networking and I am looking forward to joining soon. We meet at Mimi’s at the Tucson Mall Thursday’s at 7:15am. If you are a Christian in business and live in Tucson, you should come out and see for yourself. The breakfast menu is pretty good too!
New Church, New Website

Legacy Church in Tucson is starting services on December 6th. It’s the first time I have been involved in a church plant, but it is exciting. Since my area of expertise is the web stuff, I am building the web site for the church and will also be posting the sermons online and producing the videos announcements, etc. The site is still a work in progress as I write this, but you can take an early sneak peak at www.thelegacychurchonline.com.
If you are looking for a group of people who love Jesus and each other and who are committed to planting more churches, then we hope to see you the morning of December 6th at the corner of Sabino Canyon and Tanque Verde. The church is so new, I’m not even sure what time yet! Send me a note via the “Contact Us” tab and I will make sure you know when I do.
Tucson Twon Hall Fun & Game Show
Gabrielle Giffords finally held a Town Hall on Obamacare Tuesday night at Sahuaro High School. There were about 1200 people inside the auditorium and reportedly another 1,000 in an overflow area that was fed a closed circuit feed of the proceedings.
I got in the main auditorium and did the best I could zooming around with my camera. More importantly, ordinary (I like that) Southern Arizonans got a chance to tell their Congresswoman what they thought of Obamacare. And they did!
Here’s my take:
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Signs of the Times
There’s “Astroturf” and then there’s American ingenuity and creativity. Here’s a look at the Tucson Tea Party event held in front of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ office at 4-7 p.m. compared to the Breakfast & Rally for Health Care Reform event held at the same place at 8 a.m.
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I Am the Mob
There’s a lot of talk about the mob these days. I decided to go to a protest against Obamacare to see for myself. Sure enough, the place in front of my Congresswoman’s office was crawling with the mob! I decided to talk to some of them at great personal risk, and here’s what I found out.
Apparently the folks in Tucson aren’t the only one’s upset with Gabrielle Giffords’ stance on Obamacare. The Sierra Vista Herald has more.
UPDATE: HotAir.com just posted my video.
UPDATE: Breitbart.tv has posted the video
UPDATE: Tucson Tea Party is featuring the video
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